Secteurs d’activités


AGIS BUSINESS TRAVEL CONTEXT Digital transformation Market intelligence Technology Agis Business Travel is a Business Travel Agency in France with a turnover of more than 30 M euros. Context: • Unsuccessful marketing and sales positioning• Growth hampered by unclear market image with multiple names, logos and websites• Competition exacerbated by growth of pure digital players ANSWER A mission of 2 months with our partner Et Juliette to define and implement a new brand platform. RESULTS A new brand platform with a positioning, a promise, a logo and a graphic charter. A new website and new communication tools Team pride and renewed commitmentDouble-digit growth in sales in the following two months TESTIMONY F Calvino, President Agis BT Impact consultants understood our request and helped us to position and redeploy our services in collaboration with my teams. Discover our other references! Share this page



SAFIM CONTEXT Organisation & Transformation Digital transformation Business travel & MICE SAFIM manages the Palais des congrès et des expositions (Parc Chanot) and organizes public events such as the Marseille Fair. Background: An activity completely stopped by COVID Accelerated digitalisation of event activities Teams to be remobilized A need to think and structure the group’s digital transformation ANSWER A 3-month digital transformation mission, carried out with the SAFIM teams and our partner StelR, to establish a diagnosis and a roadmap with concrete actions.  RESULTS A clear, structured diagnosis and a digital perspective of the SAFIM A concrete action plan for immediate corrective action An action plan to structure the long-term digital transformation of SAFIM Discover our other references! Share this page

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OPTIONIZR CONTEXT Business Growth Plan Technology Tourism & Leisure Sales Optionizr is a start-up created in 2015 that offers options systems for travel, leisure and retail players. Background: A start-up incubated at the Welcome Citylab in 2016 – incubator of the city of Paris for tourism start-ups – in the seed phaseA need to refine the product in the eco-system of travel distributionA need to find the first customers for POC before takeoff response A mission of support in immersion in the start-up with Objectives: Develop a first CRM and refine customer speeches and presentations Prospect to maximize exposure and sign first POCs Participate in the development of the product results 10 prospects with interest 2 POC developed within 12 months An accelerated development for Optionizr which celebrated its 5 years of existence with a constantly increasing turnover Share this page


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