Secteurs d’activités


FUTUROSCOPE CONTEXTE Strategic marketing Business Growth Plan Market Intelligence Organisation & Transformation TOURISM & LEISURE The Futuroscope is the first French leisure park, it now welcomes nearly 2 million visitors; making it a major leisure destination in France for all audiences. This subsidiary of the Compagnie des Alpes has more than 40 attractions and 2 hotels. Background:  Futuroscope and its shareholders are launching an ambitious investment plan in 2020 of 300 million euros to make the park a leisure and holiday destination of European dimension, with new hotels, new attractions, a concert hall and a water park. response IMPACT CONSULTANTS, in collaboration with our partner N&C, supports Futuroscope in the marketing and commercial implementation of this investment plan.  results A revised and refined business plan A first year above targets A prioritized business roadmap composed of identified issues and action levers in response A steering and a revised organization Discover our other references! Testimony Séverine Robin DIRECTRICE DU DÉVELOPPEMENT CHEZ FUTUROSCOPE Pleasure to have in front of us people who are both nice (and that counts), caring, pros and that we would end up taking for colleagues as they are so involved in our subjects ! Share this page



MOBILITY METRIX CONTEXT project management interventions Market Intelligence Marketing opérationnel strategic marketing Business Growth Plan technology Transport & Mobility Background:  Mobility Metrix is a new innovative artificial intelligence company specializing in mobility data. The company publishes software for the representation, simulation and prediction of mobility flows based on comprehensive, multimodal mobility data (open data, purchased data). response Investor committed to this start-up and supporting its development. Contribution of business development expertise Help with positioning and marketfit Experimentation with a new offering, market testing results Start-up with 6 employees (5 international developers)              2 first accounts signed: Montpellier Metropolis and Toulon Metropolis BPI Coram research and development plan Recommendations for specifying standard software testimony Laurent Briant PRESIDENT DE MOBILITY METRIX Impact Consultants is always ready to listen to our needs, and their invaluable advice helps us to make real progress. Brainstorming and discussions with Impact Consultants are always very creative and imaginative, and often open up new ideas. Discover our other references! Share this page Transformation digitale Voyage d’affaires & MICE Gestion de projets Interventions Market intelligence Marketing opérationnel



PORTAVENTURA WORLD CONTEXT Communication & RP Data management & CRM digital transformation digital marketing Business Growth Plan Business travel & MICE PortAventura World is the 2nd theme park in Europe and one of the main tourist and holiday destinations in Spain. PortAventura World is composed of two theme parks, a water park, 2,500 rooms of 4 and 5 star hotels and a convention center. Background:  One of the main growth drivers identified is international growth. Within these sales, France represents 20% of sales. PortAventura World’s objective is to accelerate its growth internationally and more particularly in the French market. response IMPACT CONSULTANTS’ response is twofold: A strategic and operational consulting mission to establish the growth plan in France over 3 years Setting up a team in France to develop PortAventura World sales in France results A shared diagnosis and a 3-year growth plan validated including a new organization Rapid establishment of a dedicated team of commercial experts recognized in their field Exceeded revenue targets in first year with double-digit revenue growth Share this page testimony David Garcia General Manager France is undeniably a strategic market for PortAventura, and our pursuit of a strategic partnership to bolster our presence in this market has yielded remarkable results. To this end, we engaged the services of Impact Consultants to assist us in constructing and implementing our growth strategy in France.   Their performance in the first year of our collaboration has surpassed our expectations, with results exceeding our initial targets. Impact Consultants and their great teams have evolved into an indispensable component of our operations in this strategic market, establishing themselves as our trusted partner.    In sum, our partnership with Impact Consultants has proven instrumental in our pursuit of success in the French market, solidifying their status as our strategic and dependable allies in achieving our international objectives.    The best is yet to come.



COMPAGNIE DES ALPES CONTEXT Communication & PR Data management and CRM digital transformation Marketing digital Business Growth Plan Digital Transformation Business travel & MICE The Compagnie des Alpes is a European leader in leisure, it operates a dozen leisure parks with a strong identity in Europe and the largest ski areas in the French Alps. With its local roots, it develops committed, responsible and innovative projects with its 5,000 employees and partners. Background:  The Compagnie des Alpes is a European leader in leisure, it operated a dozen leisure parks with a strong identity in Europe and the largest ski areas in the Alps.Each park has defined its commercial strategy autonomously, with certain shared services at the level of the Compagnie des Alpes. This was the case for B2B sales (to SECs and tourism professionals), with a sales force for all French parks with the exception of Futuroscope, more recently joined the group, which keeps its own team. In order to study a rapprochement between the two organizations, the Compagnie des Alpes called on IMPACT CONSULTANTS. response A mission in 2 phases with:   A diagnosis of the situation and a go-no-go with the criteria and conditions for success Support before the launch of the new strategy results A project carried out in 3 months A revised organization A new B2B sales organization ready for the new season with committed and motivated teams testimony Philippe Lagrace, Sales & Marketing Director at La Compagnie des Alpes The ability of the Impact Consultants teams to analyze without prejudice all the dimensions of the merger, as well as their understanding of the challenges of the tourism market has enabled them to win the trust of all stakeholders and lead to the implementation of the reorganization in record time. Discover our other references! Share this page



RAIL EUROPE MISSION 1 CONTEXT Distribution Organisation & Transformation Strategy & Governance Transport & Mobility sales Rail Europe is the leading multi-brand rail distributor in the world, a subsidiary of SNCF and the Swiss Federal Railways.   Background:   A global transformation plan for the company at a pivotal moment: strong competition in the digital sector, massive investments in technology, reduction of the necessary costs related to price alignment with competition.   Difficulties specific to the North American subsidiary with high losses and teams disoriented by successive managerial changes.  response A General Management transition management mission with the following objectives:   Recruit the future managing director with a partner firm   Design and set up a new organization   Manage and coach the teams Adjust and implement the transformation plan planned for the subsidiary  RÉSULTATS Une organisation revue, approuvée et mise en place avec une réduction de 30% des effectifs et un management team renouvelé  Un plan de transformation ajusté et lancé (pour des baisses de coûts de 15%)    Une stratégie commerciale et un plan d’action de relance produisant ses premiers effets avec un retour d’une croissance au-dessus de 10% début 2020     testimony Dâu-Khôi Nguyen CEO Rail Europe Impact consultants arrived at a critical moment in the transformation of the subsidiary Rail Europe: change of IT system, new business strategy, and a global restructuring. Impact consultants accompanied us with an operational approach and allowed the successful transformation of teams based in the USA. Rodolphe was able to analyze the details, then motivate and take the organization to a new stage, making the best use of synergies with teams in other countries and restoring the trust of our customers. The results of the mission were completely in line with our expectations, and, even more essential, Rodolphe was able to rebuild the trust of the teams, before recruiting a new General Manager and ensuring the handover MISSION 2 CONTEXT sales Transport & Mobility Strategy & Governance Organisation & Transformation Distribution The world leader in train ticket distribution, a company with 90 years of experience and today a major player in travel technology.  Background:   A leading company in international markets but absent in Europe for historical reasons.  Following a change of shareholder, it wants to develop the European market and primarily the B2B market. response A 6-month development mission that includes:  A strategic market analysis: segmentation, positioning, encryption and priority targets  A complete action plan (marketing, sales, organization) to achieve the objectives  Simultaneous business development (from lead generation to closing) RÉSULTATS A complete market study, identified priorities, quantifiable achievable objectives  Clear action plan, methodology and organisation  First signed accounts and an online sales pipeline with objectives testimony Florence Pasquier, CCO Rail Europe We had already worked with Impact Consultants for our North American market. The collaboration had been a great success, efficiency, a good integration in the Rail Europe teams, an attitude strongly focused on the concrete, the delivery of quick results, all in a great climate of confidence.  This new cooperation for our arrival in Europe was also a success: better knowledge of the market, competitors, generation of a database of prospects, approach of segments/ countries identified as priority, appropriation by the Impact Consultants teams of Rail Europe’s USP, strengths, tech solutions, business model, etc. and signing of the first contracts. Discover our other references! Share this page project management interventions Market Intelligence Marketing opérationnel



ILE DE FRANCE MOBILITÉS CONTEXT Transport & Mobility Strategy & Governance Innovation Ile de France mobilités is the organizing authority for sustainable mobility in Île-de-France. It is responsible for organizing and managing all public transport as well as shared transport in the territory. It is a unifying company for all actors who innovate, with the aim of making mobility services more adapted and satisfying for travelers. Background: Ile de France Mobilités seeks to select and develop mobility startups whose solutions have a real impact on customers and users. Ile de France Mobilités has launched a mobility challenge to select them. She also looked for partners to qualify, support and coach the selected startups. response IMPACT CONSULTANTS uses the experience of support and growth gained, before or after the investment, to: Secure the selection and smooth running of support for startups Bringing startups to successful experiments and deployments in Ile de France Create the conditions for a relationship of trust with the selected startups Help startups make the best possible decisions in their acceleration phase results 3 successful experiments from startups in Ile de France. IMPACT CONSULTANTS was able to bring impact by securing their funding and solving the specific difficulties and challenges faced by young innovative companies Discover our other references! Share this page



PARIS&CO CONTEXT Tourism & Leisure Finance and Financing Business Growth Plan Market intelligence Paris&Co is the economic development and innovation agency of Paris and its metropolis. Its role is to foster innovation through the incubation of more than 500 international startups per year, the organization of events and the experimentation of innovative solutions. Background: The acceleration phase of incubated startups has been stopped following the COVID-19 pandemic. response Paris & Co launches an enhanced support program to find solutions (strategic repositioning, new commercial outlets, distribution, etc.) Short mission of 3 days IMPACT CONSULTANTS being one of the main participants in the programme results 7 startups supported (Ouispeak, Monkeylocky, Urban XP, AsaGuest, Caravel, Bubble Box, Switchup) Quick and concrete actions that helped the recovery of each start-up Discover our other references! Share this page project management interventions Market Intelligence Marketing opérationnel

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N&C CONTEXT Finances et financement Innovation Revenue management Strategy and Governance Technology N&C is specialized in revenue management & pricing and offers a complete offer (advice, tools, training) for more than twenty sectors. N&C offers an innovative tool called Revbell, a SaaS revenue management platform. Context: At the time of COVID-19, N&C is growing and investing heavily on the Revbell SaaS tool. In order to secure the future and project a new phase of its growth, N&C needs to revise its starategy, optimize its financing and prepare its organization for this new stage. response A first mission focused on strategy and financing followed by a second mission, carried out with Arnaud Le Masne founder of Boost & Loop, which aims to structure and accelerate the growth of N&C, including the recent launch in Spain. results A fundraising of more than 800,000 euros A validated growth plan and a reorganized team First Revbell results at +70% in 6 months, +300% in 1 year A first step of internationalization (partnership, recruitment of a Sales Manager, and first customers in Spain) testimony Pascal NIFFOI, Managing Director – Co-Founder The IMPACT CONSULTANTS teams supported us in each phase of our growth plan (preparation of fundraising, BP, investor pitch, re-organization). We had at our disposal highly qualified, complementary and experienced profiles. A big thank you for your involvement and the quality of your advice. The work continues, with you. Now and for a long time. Discover our other references! Share this page

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CITYWAY CONTEXT External Growth & Partnerships & M&A Transport & Mobility Cityway is the digital subsidiary of Transdev, the world leader in public transport.Cityway is a company that employs 200 engineers and developers mainly based in Aix en Provence. It generates a turnover of €25 million mainly in on-demand transport technology solutions (TAD) and MAAS (Mobility as a Service) service platforms.   Background: Cityway seeks, from a recognized technological and commercial position in France, to accelerate its international development. Cityway has asked IMPACT CONSULTANTS to identify and qualify partners who can distribute and integrate its solutions worldwide, with local authorities internationally. response First part: iIdentification of 10 candidate partners with whom we have established commercial contacts Second part: capital opening to these partners, in partnership with Cambon Partners Third part: implementation and development of international business partnerships, and seeking external funding. results Growth levers activated Negotiations finalized for the sale of the company Discover our other references! Share this page

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LA COMPAGNIE CONTEXT Marketing numérique Plan de croissance commercial Revenue management Stratégie et gouvernance Transport et mobilité The Company is an airline created in 2013 operating 100% business class flights between France and the United States. Background:  A complete renewal of the fleet   A downward trend in the average ticket price   Significant shareholder pressure and an imperative need for short-term results requested by shareholders response A flash mission (1 month) carried out with our partners N&C and Perfeo–Nextia with the following objectives:   A complete diagnosis with the teams – Revenue Management, Commercial and Marketing Fine-grained data analysis with problem identification Establishment of new levers, prioritized and quantified.   results Four major axes identified: positioning, business market development, pricing, organization for an incremental turnover stake of 5% of total turnover  A complete roadmap of concrete actions on the identified axes  First results in 2 months with a yield increase of 15% and a complete catch-up of the delay vs budget on the current year   testimony F Revol, CCO La Compagnie We were in the midst of a transformation of our fleet, with a significant investment, and we had to find the income in line with that investment. Thanks to the expertise and experience of Impact consultants, we were able to take stock of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and put in place a simple but effective plan that allowed us to find an income in line with our budget expectations both in quality and value. Discover our other references! Share this page


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